Traduction de "i got down on" à espagnol
I got down on
Exemples de traduction
I got down on my knees and examined it.
Me puse de rodillas para examinarla.
I got down on my knees and screamed into my hands.
Me puse de rodillas y me cubrí la boca antes de gritar.
When I still didn’t find it I got down on my hands and knees in the car.
Como no lo encontraba, me puse a gatas en el coche.
I got down on my knees and ran my hand across the orange sock.
Me puse de rodillas y acaricié el calcetín naranja.
I got down on all fours again and crawled backward down the tunnel.
Me puse de nuevo a gatas y reculé túnel abajo.
Nothing. I got down on my hands and knees and checked the flooring all around. Nothing.
Nada. Me puse a cuatro patas y busqué por todo el suelo. Nada.
I got down on my knees and tugged and hauled at him and got him straightened out.
Me puse de rodillas. Tiré de él y lo arrastré. Lo enderecé.
I got down on hands and knees and put my nose on the carpet and sniffed.
Me puse en cuatro patas y acercando la nariz a la alfombra, la olí cuidadosamente.
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