Traduction de "high-handed" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
“Isn’t that a little high-handed?” “No.
—¿No es eso un poco arbitrario? —No.
It is arbitrary and high-handed.
Es arbitrario y despótico.
‘Don’t you think it’s rather high-handed?
—¿No cree usted que es bastante arbitrario?
"That's a preposterous, high-handed, arbitrary way of-—" "Yes or no?"
—Es un modo descabellado, violento y arbitrario de… —¿Sí o no?
his action must have appeared both high-handed and ungrateful.
Stark le parecía arbitrario e ingrato.
don’t you prefer to wipe your silky, high-handed ass with Kleenex?
¿no prefieres limpiar tu sedoso y arbitrario culo con kleenex?
Clamorous protests against this high-handed executive order arose from many sides.
Surgieron en todas partes clamorosas protestas contra esta orden ejecutiva tan arbitraria.
The Church’s high-handed use of power has been a sore point with Eldor all along.
El uso arbitrario del poder por parte de la Iglesia ha sido desde siempre para Eldor como una llaga abierta.
I have nothing against the present Viscount except his high-handed and arbitrary manner when dealing with the city council;
Nada tengo contra el actual vizconde, si se exceptúa el modo arbitrario y prepotente con que trata al consejo municipal;
For years Balzac had been in the position of a suppliant: it may be that when safely married he became dictatorial and high-handed.
Por años Balzac había estado en posición de suplicante; puede ser que al estar casado sin riesgos se volviera despótico y arbitrario.
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