Traduction de "happily married couple" à espagnol
Happily married couple
Exemples de traduction
- There's a lot of happily married couples.
Hay muchas parejas felizmente casadas. Dime tres.
You see... we're a happily married couple... and must never forget that.
Ya ves... Somos una pareja felizmente casada y no debemos olvidarlo jamás.
I mean, name one happily married couple.
Nombra a una pareja felizmente casada.
Now, remember, we're a happily married couple.
Ahora, recuerda, Somos una pareja felizmente casada.
To an outsider, we were like any other happily married couple.
Por fuera, éramos como cualquier otra pareja felizmente casada.
No, I meant... pretend we're a happily married couple. Ah.
No, me refería... a fingir que somos una pareja felizmente casada.
And you know that before that kid came into our house... we were a pretty happily married couple, weren't we?
Y sabes que antes de que ese chico viniera a nuestra casa éramos una pareja felizmente casada, ¿verdad?
She and Derek were a happily-married couple.
Ella y Derek eran una pareja felizmente casada.
As you know, we are a happily married couple with two lovely kids.
Como sabe, somos una pareja felizmente casada con dos bellos hijos.
“I just wanted to say that it’s so nice to see a happily married couple with such lovely children.
—Sólo quería decirles que es una maravilla ver una pareja felizmente casada con unos hijos tan preciosos.
we bo?th knew what was what (at least, I think she did, but she was such a fool you could never tell), but we pretended to be a happily married couple.
Ambos sabíamos lo que pasaba (al menos, yo creo que ella estaba al tanto, pero era tan tonta que nunca se sabe), pero pretendíamos aparentar ser una pareja felizmente casada.
Despite his criticisms, he must have liked the building’s possibilities, enough anyway to want us to have the appearance of a happily married couple, sturdy in our finances, sufficiently stable to last through the escrow period.
A pesar de sus críticas, debían de haberle gustado las posibilidades del edificio, por lo menos lo suficiente para querer que tuviéramos el aspecto de una pareja felizmente casada, con una robusta capacidad financiera, lo bastante estable para resistir durante el periodo de entrega de dinero en depósito.
It was the night when dinner parties took place, though at this moment it was hard to imagine that they could ever act out the charade of being a happily married couple, eating off other people’s best china and chattering about the price of property in SW12.
Era la noche que se celebraban las cenas, aunque en este momento era difícil imaginar que pudieran interpretar la farsa de ser una pareja felizmente casada, comiendo con la mejor vajilla de otras personas y charlando sobre el precio de la propiedad en el sur de Londres.
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