Traduction de "handsome buildings" à espagnol
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Ahrnell Invest was based on the fifth floor of a handsome building dating back to the early 1800s.
Ahrnell Invest se encontraba en la quinta planta de un hermoso edificio cuyos orígenes se remontaban a principios del siglo XIX.
It seemed that handsome buildings began springing up almost overnight, all of similar brick and glass design.
Pareció que hermosos edificios se levantaban casi de la noche a la mañana, todos de diseño y materiales similares: ladrillos y vidrio.
Though Congress had been in session for some weeks now, it was improbable that any of the delegates inside the handsome building were paying attention to the demonstration.
Aunque el Congreso llevaba ya varias semanas en sesiones, era más que improbable que ninguno de los delegados dentro del hermoso edificio estuviera prestando atención a la protesta.
It was like waking up to notice that he had arrived in a wide plaza surrounded by handsome buildings patterned in brick, with stepped gables that climbed to spires of red tile.
Era como despertarse y comprobar que se hallaba en una amplia plaza rodeado de hermosos edificios de piedra, decorados con gabletes y chapiteles de ladrillo rojo.
and hastily pulling up the blind with which the lattice was shrouded, I looked out to try and discover where I was; half-prepared to meet the calm, old, handsome buildings and clean grey pavement of St.
Y, subiendo a toda prisa las persianas que tapaban la celosía, miré al exterior para intentar descubrir dónde estaba, casi esperando contemplar los antiguos, tranquilos y hermosos edificios y el limpio empedrado de St Ann’s Street, y divisar al fondo las torres de la catedral;
We were given office space in the handsome building owned by our Japanese co-producers, and each day I went there early and stayed late, looking, listening, judging, disapproving or approving, while those in command gave auditions to actors and actresses, adults and children.
Nos habían cedido local para nuestras oficinas en un hermoso edificio propiedad de nuestros coproductores japoneses y cada día iba allí temprano y me marchaba tarde, me quedaba mirando, escuchando, juzgando, desaprobando o aprobando, mientras que los encargados hacían pruebas a actores, actrices, adultos y niños.
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