Traduction de "hams" à espagnol
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My trouser hams are not for sale, sir!
¡Mis nalgas no están en venta, señor!
You're also going to learn that in a pinch you can fit an entire ham sandwich in your butt crack.
También aprenderán que en un instante, pueden ponerse un sándwich de jamón completo en la raja de la nalga.
For the satirical rogue says here that old men have gray beards... their faces are wrinkled... their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum... and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams.
Este tunante es tan mordaz que afirma que los viejos tienen barba con canas... cara con arrugas... que sus ojos manan ámbar y goma de ciruelo... y que unen a una gran falta de ingenio, flaquísimas nalgas.
Your rump, your haunch, your hams, your stern, your fanny or your rear
Tus tortas, tu pan dulce, tu cutis, tus nalgas, tu traste o tu tujes
I took the sandwich that the priest was eating, took the piece of ham out of it, put it between my butt cheeks, and then put the sandwich back and watched him eat it.
Tomé el sandwich que estaba comiendo, le quité el jamon, y lo puse entre mis nalgas, y lo regresé al sandwich y lo vi comerlo.
That pig had black spots on its hams, as I recollect.
Ese cerdo tenía manchas negras en sus nalgas, como recuerdo.
That's as much as to say,... ..such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams!
¡Eso es tanto como decir que un caso como el tuyo obliga a doblarse por las nalgas!
Lok slept, balanced on his hams.
Lok dormía, en equilibrio sobre las nalgas.
With much labour he raised his body, and balanced himself on his hams.
Mal irguió el cuerpo, trabajosamente, y se balanceó sobre las nalgas.
Then she swayed back, lifted both hands off the earth and poised on her skinny hams.
Luego se echó hacia atrás, levantó las dos manos de la tierra y se tocó las nalgas huesudas.
—A need for spiritual . . . something more spiritual than typewriters, Ludy finished, and shifted his hams on his heels.
Una necesidad de algo espiritual… algo más espiritual que las máquinas de escribir —terminó Ludy, y agitó las nalgas sobre los talones.
Ludy showed his interest in this religious by bringing his weight from his hams forward on his toes.
—Ludy mostró su interés por este religioso levantando su peso de las nalgas para apoyarlo en la punta de los pies.
“Do they teach ye in medical college how to spread your wife’s wee hams and lick her from tailbone to navel?”
¿Te enseñan en la Facultad de Medicina a abrirle las nalgas a tu mujercita y a lamerla desde la rabadilla hasta el ombligo?
Furious Lion was swept along arseupward and only the wriggling of his hams told how he struggled to get upright.
A León Furioso le volcaron las aguas y el meneo de sus nalgas era lo único que expresaba sus esfuerzos por ponerse derecho.
Upright, bipedal, great splayed toes, huge shaggy hams, sagging bellies, massive chests. Taller than he is.
Erectos, bípedos, pies grandes y aplastados, enormes e hirsutas nalgas, abombadas panzas, descomunales pechos. Más altos que él.
Mr. Pivner elevated himself slightly upon one narrow ham and broke wind, a soft interrogative sound which went unanswered.
El señor Pivner se elevó levemente sobre una estrecha nalga y ventoseó, un suave sonido interrogador que quedó sin respuesta.
She made Lok sit down, his back against the rock, his hams in the smooth earthen dip that Mal had worn.
Hizo que Lok se sentara allí, con la espalda contra la roca y las nalgas hundidas en la tierra alisada que Mal había socavado.
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