Traduction de "half-close" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
    Pitt's eyes half closed in curiosity.
La curiosidad hizo que Pitt entrecerrara los ojos.
Dogman had to half close his eyes, his whole arm trembling as he whacked at the bell with the handle of his knife.
El Sabueso, con todo el brazo temblándole, tuvo que entrecerrar los ojos mientras aporreaba la campana con el mango de su cuchillo.
He had to half close his eyes, it was so strong, and pull his jacket closer around him against all that wind from the north.
Tuvo que entrecerrar los ojos, de lo fuerte que era, y ceñirse la chaqueta a causa del viento, viento del norte.
The gesture was the same: the slow bringing of the cup to the lips, the half-closing of the eyes, the lips resting on the brim, the blowing at the tea.
Hacían el mismo gesto: llevarse lentamente la taza a los labios, entrecerrar los ojos, apoyar los labios en el borde, soplar en el té.
My hands found her waist and I drew her in close, waiting until her eyes half closed and her lips parted, eager to be kissed.
Mis manos encontraron su cintura y la atraje hacia mí. Esperé a que entrecerrara los ojos y abriera los labios, ardiendo en deseos de que la besara.
There certainly was a figure which, if you half-closed your eyes, looked very much like a statue of a knight with his hands resting on his sword.
Desde luego, aquella figurita se asemejaba mucho a la estatua de un caballero con las manos reposando sobre una espada, aunque había que entrecerrar un poco los ojos para advertir la similitud.
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