Traduction de "half a pound" à espagnol
Half a pound
Exemples de traduction
I’ve gained half a pound.
He aumentado media libra.
It's just half a pound of hamburger.
Únicamente hay media libra de hamburguesa.
A law weighing a talent, not half a pound.
Una ley que pesaba un talento, no media libra.
Two dollars, almost half a pound,
Son dos dólares, casi media libra.
Soames caught one weighing half a pound.
Soames sacó otra que pesaba media libra.
“But I have only given him half a pound,” Laurence protested;
—Pero si sólo le he dado media libra… —protestó Laurence.
Run down to the corner and get me half a pound of pot cheese.
Baja corriendo a la esquina y tráeme media libra de requesón.
I had a metal peace-sign pendant that weighed half a pound.
Tenía un colgante con un signo de la paz metálico que pesaba media libra.
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