Traduction de "had attracted" à espagnol
Had attracted
Exemples de traduction
She isn't obstructing, it's just she didn't realise how much publicity the case had attracted.
Ella no está obstruyendo , es sólo que ella no se dio cuenta la cantidad de publicidad el caso había atraído .
And when I awoke, the dried apple filling was... it just had attracted so many spiders, and they were all over it, and I...
Y cuando me desperté, el relleno de manzana reseco estaba había atraído muchísimas arañas, y estaban por todas partes, y yo...
The theory was that this was war on a totally new scale and that it had attracted the attention of these alien visitors who were watching with concern at human beings advancing so rapidly.
La teoría era que esto era una guerra en una escala totalmente nueva... y que había atraído la atención de estos visitantes alienígenas que observaban preocupados que los seres humanos avanzaran tan rápido.
It was Nan who had attracted them.
Había sido Nan la que les había atraído.
It was the lock that had attracted Tiffany.
Lo que más había atraído a Tiffany era la cerradura.
It was his misfortune which had attracted her.
Su desgracia era lo que la había atraído de él.
Jeremy had attracted her from the start.
Jeremy la había atraído desde el principio.
The honcho’s appearance had attracted an audience.
La aparición del mandamás había atraído público.
Perhaps this was what had attracted Rose.
Tal vez eso había sido lo que le había atraído a Rose.
Many of the folks in line had attracted them.
Mucha gente de la cola los había atraído.
The noise had attracted some undesirable attention.
El alboroto había atraído una atención nada deseable.
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