Traduction de "fully was" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
The hake stocks are fully exploited.
La merluza está completamente explotada.
We fully subscribe to that view.
Estamos completamente de acuerdo con esa opinión.
(i) Ten cells which should be tested, at first cycle, in both fully charged and fully discharged states; and
i) Diez pilas que, en el primer ciclo, deben someterse a prueba tanto completamente cargadas como completamente descargadas; y
The report is fully accessible to the public.
Este informe es completamente público.
I fully agree with that.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con ello.
(b) Four batteries, which should be tested, at first cycle, in both fully charged and fully discharged states.
b) Cuatro baterías que, en el primer ciclo, deben someterse a prueba tanto completamente cargadas como completamente descargadas.
This recommendation has not been fully implemented.
Esta recomendación no se ha aplicado completamente.
Fully immunized children
Niños completamente vacunados
The Congo is fully aware of this.
El Congo es completamente consciente de eso.
- fully diluted
- completamente reducidos
“It was fully automatic.”
-Era completamente automático.
It is fully automatic.
Es completamente automático.
It was fully clothed;
Estaba completamente vestida;
Fully operational.
—No completamente operativo.
I was fully dressed.
Estaba completamente vestido.
Fully dressed, Mrs.
—¿Completamente vestido? —Sí.
“The gun was fully loaded.”
—Sí. Estaba completamente cargado.
They were fully clothed.
Estaban completamente vestidas.
Fully immunized
Totalmente inmunizados
Fully implemented
Aplicadas totalmente
‘It is fully fitted.’
—Está totalmente equipada.
It was fully loaded.
Estaba totalmente cargado.
She is fully conscious.
Está totalmente consciente.
He was not fully recovered.
No estaba totalmente recuperado.
He was fully equipped.
Estaba totalmente equipado.
You're fully awake.
Estás totalmente consciente.
She was fully human.
Era totalmente humana.
they were fully armoured;
estaban totalmente blindados;
He was fully dressed.
Él estaba totalmente vestido.
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