Traduction de "few yards" à espagnol
Few yards
Exemples de traduction
I envy those few yards of sky where you flew.
Envidio esas pocas yardas de cielo por las que volaste.
Found this in the dirt a few yards away.
Encontré esto en la tierra a unas pocas yardas de distancia.
But somehow somehow, he gained a few yards.
Los Cardenales lo aplastaron, pero de alguna manera de alguna manera, ganó unas pocas yardas.
This photo shows our instagram user, @mysticalsoulshine, Was just a few yards from where the body fell.
Esta foto muestra a nuestro usuario de Instagram @mysticalsoulshine, estaba a pocas yardas de donde cayó el cuerpo.
Well... there are only a few yards in it, but a result is a result.
Bien... sólo unas pocas yardas para terminar, pero el resultado es el resultado.
It's only a few yards.
Sólo son unas pocas yardas.
Here's one that has crash-landed within a few yards of the cave.
Aquí hay uno que se accidentó a unas pocas yardas de la caverna.
It's just a few yards to the door.
Sólo hay unas pocas yardas hasta la puerta.
The police fell back to a few yards behind the car.
La policía se retiró a unas pocas yardas detrás del coche.
He was now within a few yards of Poke. He trod water.
Ahora estaba a pocas yardas de Poke. Pataleó en el agua.
A few yards into the park and she might as well be in the country.
Unas pocas yardas dentro del parque y bien podía estar en el campo.
only a few yards of the corridor could be seen in the swirling fog.
en la remolineante niebla sólo se podían ver unas pocas yardas del corredor.
The third military truck stopped a few yards behind Noonan's personal car.
El tercer camión militar se detuvo a pocas yardas del auto de Noonan.
Within the first few yards I noticed something that repaid my diligence in full.
A las primeras pocas yardas me di cuenta de algo que premió por completo mi diligencia.
Evan MacIan was standing a few yards off looking at him in absolute silence.
Evan MacIan, en pie a pocas yardas, lo observaba guardando absoluto silencio.
A few yards from the lake they found a small clearing among the rubble.
A pocas yardas de distancia del lago, encontraron un pequeño claro del terreno entre los cascotes y las ruinas.
What would they and Ur Jan have thought, had they known that the object of their criminal purpose was within a few yards of them?
¿Qué hubieran pensado de saber que su objetivo estaba a sólo unas pocas yardas?
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