Traduction de "fatuous" à espagnol
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You fatuous, maladroit behemoth.
Fatuo y torpe mastodonte.
"When I want fatuous and dull-witted commentary," "I simply talk to my son!"
"Cuando quiero un comentario fatuo y tonto, simplemente hablo con mi hijo".
I wonder what fatuous idiot first thought of that?
Me pregunto qué idiota fatuo pensó primero en eso.
And I, I thought it was something real when it wasn't. It was just trite and cliche and fatuous.
Era algo trivial y tópico y fatuo.
Roger Hector, a young aristocrat, is worthless, fatuous, and associated with the underworld.
Hector Roger, joven aristócrata, ocioso, fatuo, asiduo de los bajos fondos
I assume you are making fatuous references to his sexuality.
Supongo que usted está haciendo referencias fatuas a su sexualidad.
The veiled detective and her fatuous accomplice.
La detective velada y su fatua cómplice.
You've ruined everything, you maladroit, fatuous troglodyte.
Arruinaste todo, torpe, fatuo troglodita.
When I want fatuous, dull-witted commentary, I will buy a parrot.
Cuando quiera un comentario fatuo y estúpido, conseguiré un perico.
That's humorous, coming from such a fatuous ass as yourself.
Eso es cómico, viniendo de un imbécil fatuo como tú.
What fatuous posing!
¡Qué afectación tan fatua!
HIs smile just as fatuous.
Y su sonrisa, igual de fatua.
and having no heart it becomes fatuous - a fatuous reflection of a fatuous concept - so that it is incongruous, or gobbles incongruity to such an outlandish degree that laughter is the only way out.
y, como no tenía corazón, se volvió un ser fatuo —el fatuo reflejo de un concepto fatuo— hasta resultar incongruente, o engullir la incongruencia hasta un extremo tan absurdo que la risa era la única salida.
There was something fatuous about Hexagram Fifteen.
Había algo de fatuo en el hexagrama Decimoquinto.
The fatuous fool Molyneux was taken aback.
El fatuo Molyneux se asustaba en seguida.
Both scenarios were equally fatuous.
Ambas perspectivas eran igualmente fatuas.
Because the Age of Aquarius, no, it was fatuous, wasn't it?
¿Y todo a causa de la Era de Acuario? No, era fatuo, claro que sí.
Long, fatuous letters they were, too.
Además, eran cartas largas y fatuas.
I think I thought he was rather fatuous.
Me pareció bastante fatuo.
Privately, Ed thought they bordered on the fatuous.
En privado, Ed pensaba que bordeaban lo fatuo.
The suggestion that there is any international legal prohibition against such a right is at best fatuous.
La sugerencia de que haya algún tipo de prohibición internacional legal contra ese derecho es, cuanto menos, necia.
- A fatuous idiot who makes
- Un necio idiota...
Gentlemen, the snow pageant is fatuous and unamusing.
Caballeros, su espectáculo invernal es necio y nada gracioso.
There appears to have been some fatuous misunderstanding!
Parece que ha habido algún necio malentendido.
This is a chintzy, fatuous trinket for sad fantasists.
Es una baratija necia y ordinaria... Para fantasistas lamentables
Yes, and also you are a fatuous, pretentious idiot,
Sí, y tú también eres un necio, pretencioso y un idiota...
Fatuous, freakish flummery
Necios, extravagantes, sin sentido.
I won't stand for this fatuous slander another moment.
No voy a tolerar estas necias calumnias por más tiempo.
Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.
No sea necio, Jeffrey.
She should lay off the fatuous advice, though.
Debería dejar de lado esos necios consejos.
I have but to listen to your fatuous brain.
Sólo escuchando su necio cerebro.
It was a fatuous question.
Era una pregunta necia.
To me the questions were fatuous.
Para mí, esas cuestiones eran necias.
He made a fine fatuous fool of himself and is now in hell.
Quedó como un tonto y un necio soberbio y ahora está en el infierno.
“I am not at liberty to say, Professor.” “You are a fatuous fool,” Marsh said.
—No puedo hablar de eso, profesor. —Es un necio engreído —le espetó Marsh—.
The very best that can be said is that he uttered a string of fatuous non sequiturs.
Lo mejor que se puede decir es que profirió un rosario de necias incongruencias.
‘I must say I thought it was pretty fatuous myself,’ admitted Antonia.
–Debo confesar que a mí también me ha parecido bastante necia -admitió Antonia-.
She must not have been intimidated, must have thought that he was a coward, fatuous and ineffectual.
Ella no se habrá sentido intimidada, habrá pensado que él era un cobarde, un necio y un inepto.
The conference had turned out to be a trade fair for digital gadgets and fatuous theories.
La conferencia había resultado ser una feria comercial sobre aparatos digitales y teorías necias.
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