Traduction de "family quarrel" à espagnol
Family quarrel
Exemples de traduction
He had been detained following the intervention of several gendarmes called in to deal with a family quarrel.
Había sido detenido al intervenir varios gendarmes para poner fin a una disputa familiar.
With respect to the reasons, most of the suicides are committed due to mental disorders (around 50%), while disease, family quarrels, relationship problems and alike, occur as other causes.
Por lo que respecta a las razones, la mayor parte de los suicidios se cometen como consecuencia de perturbaciones mentales (alrededor del 50%); también cabe señalar las disputas familiares y los problemas de pareja y similares.
Mr Barrett, I don't think that this office should enter into a family quarrel.
Sr. Barrett, no creo que debamos intervenir en una disputa familiar.
Well, we're dragging poor George right into the middle of a family quarrel.
¡Pobre George, en plena disputa familiar!
- Is internecine family quarrel.
- Es una disputa familiar.
Family quarrels and divorces mostly.
Disputas familiares y divorcios mayormente.
I have better things to do than a family quarrel.
Tengo cosas mejores que hacer que una disputa familiar.
You boys go right ahead with your little family quarrel.
Vosotros seguid con vuestra disputa familiar.
Family quarrel, Mr. Colleano?
¿Disputas familiares, Sr. Colleano?
You have no business in Roman family quarrels.
Las disputas familiares romanas no te conciernen.
I don't wanna be the cause of a family quarrel.
No quiero ser la causa de una disputa familiar.
This isn't the place for a family quarrel.
Éste no es lugar para disputas familiares.
            “What? Not interested in another family quarrel?”
—¿Qué, no te interesa oír otra disputa familiar?
‘Oh, there was a family quarrel,’ Nerissa disabused her.
Nerissa la sacó de su error: —Bueno, hubo una disputa familiar.
The old man had shot himself after a family quarrel.
El pobre viejo se había pegado un tiro tras una disputa familiar.
I don’t mix much with them; there was a family quarrel over my birth.
No me relaciono mucho con esos parientes, pues hubo una disputa familiar en torno a mi nacimiento.
He killed his father. Some family quarrel about land. French peasants.
—Mató a su padre. Una disputa familiar por las lindes. Así son los campesinos franceses.
So tell me now, Doctor Love, how this family quarrel reach you all the way in Miami?
Dime, pues, doctor Amor, ¿cómo es que esta disputa familiar ha llegado hasta Miami?
That was like the incest theme which was popularly supposed to underlie all family quarrels: a mixture of the forbidden best and sweetest and the worst.
Era como el tema del incesto que popularmente se suponía yacente bajo todas las disputas familiares; una mezcla de las mejores y más dulces y de las peores prohibiciones.
“That’s quite right, Mr. Barrett, and I must tell you that I really don’t think this office should enter into a family quarrel.
—Es verdad, señor Barrett, y debo decirle que realmente no creo que esta institución deba entrar en una disputa familiar.
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