Traduction de "familiarize himself" à espagnol
Familiarize himself
Exemples de traduction
But first he had to familiarize himself with the office and the people in it.
Pero antes tenía que familiarizarse con la oficina y la gente que trabajaba en ella.
There had been no time to familiarize himself with his new command.
No tuvo tiempo de familiarizarse con su nuevo comando.
He downloaded a map of the site and quickly familiarized himself with it.
Descargó un mapa del lugar y lo estudió para familiarizarse con él.
He’d made a point of familiarizing himself with the files of any inmates considered capable of violence.
Se había obligado a familiarizarse con los archivos de todos los internos que se consideraban violentos;
In the few moments it took him to familiarize himself with the controls, the droid tweetled at him.
En los pocos momentos que le llevó familiarizarse con los controles, el droide le trinó.
He ran a hand over his face, trying to familiarize himself with the new shape.
Se pasó una mano por la cara procurando familiarizarse con su nueva forma.
Kell was allocated a room on the third floor and walked up the stairs in order to familiarize himself with the layout of the hotel.
Como le había dado una habitación en la tercera planta, subió por la escalera para familiarizarse con la distribución del edificio.
Picking up his camp stool, he strolled through the woods and around the cemetery to familiarize himself with the area.
Recogió su silla plegable y paseó a través de la arboleda y por el cementerio para familiarizarse con el lugar.
He wanders around the streets, trying to familiarize himself with the neighborhood, but he quickly loses interest in Sunset Park.
Deambula por las calles, intentando familiarizarse con el barrio, pero rápidamente pierde interés por Sunset Park.
By relentless prowling, Ingrey familiarized himself with every corner of the Horseriver mansion that day, to little effect.
Ingrey pasó la mañana entera deambulando de un lado a otro para familiarizarse con cada rincón de la mansión de Río de Caballo.
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