Traduction de "emds" à espagnol
  • emd
Exemples de traduction
EMD/1/E The Promotion of Self-Employment in Education and Training Institutions: Perspectives in East and Southern Africa, by Wim Hoppers, 1994 (113 pp.) (ISBN 92-2-109084-1).
EMD/1/E The Promotion of Self-Employment in Education and Training Institutions: Perspectives in East and Southern Africa, por Wim Hoppers, 1994 (113 págs.) (ISBN 92-2-109084-1).
EMD/2/E Small Enterprise Development: Taxonomy of Intervention Schemes Applied to the Swiss Case, by Paul H. Dembinski and Thierry Volery, 1994, (30 pp.) (ISBN 92-2-109161-9).
EMD/2/E Small Enterprise Development: Taxonomy of Intervention Schemes Applied to the Swiss Case, por Paul H. Dembinski y Thierry Volery, 1994 (30 págs.) (ISBN 92-2-109161-9).
The vircator completes an electromagnetic device or "EMD."
El vircator completa un dispositivo electromagnético o un "EMD".
It was the EMD Convention, which is the distributors.
Se llevó a cabo la Convención EMD, con todos los distribuidores.
Only use your EMDs as a last resort. These are steel containers, it could ricochet anywhere.
Cara a cara es la mejor opción, sólo usen sus EMD como último recurso.
Oh, the kids like EMD, so...
A los chicos les gusta EMD...
Hey... your guys took our EMDs.
Hey ... tus muchachos tomaron nuestros EMD.
I'm afraid the EMD's won't cut it.
Me temo que los EMD no lo dañarán.
The EMD can be adapted to three basic levels - low, medium and high voltage, depending on what you use it for.
El EMD se puede adaptar a 3 niveles básicos: bajo, medio y alto voltaje, en función de para qué lo quieras usar.
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