Traduction de "eat bread" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Everybody eats bread.
¿Quién no come pan?
He only eats bread and honey.
Sólo come pan y miel.
I said he doesn't eat bread.
Dije que él no come pan.
One really eats bread and venom!
- ¡Se come pan y veneno!
Here we eat bread and venom!
¡Aquí se come pan y veneno!
Not everybody eats bread.
No todo el mundo come pan.
He doesn't eat bread.
No come pan.
- That eats bread and salami betrayal!
- Esta come pan y salami traición!
Sir, you don't eat bread.
Señor, usted no come pan.
And she eats bread (no butter) and jam made from Wachau apricots.
Y come pan con mermelada de albaricoque sin mantequilla.
We all, except Robert, who eats bread, have much to say.
Todos, excepto Robert, que come pan, tenemos mucho que decir.
In private I’m sure he eats bread like everyone else.
Cuando está solo seguro que come pan igual que todo el mundo.
We have a saying in my clan that If you have no meat, eat bread.
—En mi clan solemos decir que si no tienes carne, entonces come pan.
In the evenings, at home (if that is what they are now, his rooms at the Arkwrights'), he does not bother to cook, simply eats bread and cheese over the chessboard.
Por la noche, en casa (es lo que ahora son sus habitaciones en casa de los Arkwright) no se molesta en cocinar, simplemente come pan con queso mientras juega al ajedrez.
“May the Body of Jesus Christ lead you to eternal life,” the priest repeated to each communicant; but as he came closer, Blacktooth saw that it was Torrildo, who, as he placed the wafer on Blacktooth’s tongue, leaned close and whispered, “One who eats bread with me here shall betray me.”
—Que el Cuerpo de Jesucristo te conduzca a la vida eterna —repetía el sacerdote a cada comulgante, pero cuando se acercó, Dientenegro vio que era Torrildo, quien, al colocar la hostia en su lengua, se inclinaba y susurraba: —Uno de los que come pan aquí conmigo me traicionará.
Children are inclined to eat bread, biscuits, rice, chocolates and processed foods with poor nutritional value and high sugar content.
Los niños tienden a comer pan, galletas, arroz, chocolates y alimentos procesados, con escaso valor nutricional y alto contenido de azúcar.
- And eat bread and flies?
- ¿Y qué voy a comer? ¿Pan y mosca?
You must eat bread!
¡Debes comer pan!
I see you're eating bread again.
Volviste a comer pan.
Stop eating bread with mustard.
Para de comer pan con mostaza.
Eat bread, make eyes at strangers.
Comer pan, sonreírle a extraños,
- I'm not eating bread.
- No comeré pan.
What is required to eat bread?
¿Qué se requiere para comer pan?
I'm also going to eat bread.
También voy a comer pan.
‘Bolívar will have to eat bread.’
—Bolívar tendrá que comer pan.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
Con el sudor de tu rostro comerás pan,
We managed to eat bread a part of the time.
–Pudimos comer pan una parte del camino.
Shamhat teaches him to eat bread and to drink beer.
Shamhat le enseña a comer pan y a beber cerveza.
‘Do you really eat bread every day?’ Cardamom asked.
—¿Os habéis acostumbrado a comer pan cada día?
If she wants to eat bread, she must earn it.
—‌decían las hermanas—. Si quiere comer pan, que se lo gane.
I’ve got other things, or maybe you just feel like eating bread.
Tengo más cosas, o a lo mejor solo os apetece comer pan.
And he added,— "When one cannot eat bread, one must drink water."
Y añadió—. Cuando no se puede comer pan se bebe agua.
They made her eat bread, which worked much better than the water.
La hicieron comer pan, que produjo mucho mejores resultados que el líquido.
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