Traduction de "drinking out of" à espagnol
Drinking out of
Exemples de traduction
He is eating out of a bag, drinking out of a big bottle.
Está comiendo de un paquete, bebiendo de una botella grande.
Undoubtedly, he had already told her that he had me eating—or at least drinking—out of his hand.
Seguramente él ya le había dicho que me tenía comiendo —o bebiendo— de su mano.
They were at the bar after, drinking out of the same glass, just as close as close.” Her voice was wistful.
Más tarde estaban en el bar, bebiendo de la misma copa, juntitos, juntitos —su voz era pensativa.
It tasted salty and was a weird color. I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was drinking out of a toilet, but at least it was liquid.
Tenía un sabor salobre, y el color era sospechoso, además de que no dejaba de estar bebiendo de un cagadero, pero al menos era líquido.
She made my father drink out of it.
Obligó a mi padre a beber de ella.
'You don't mind drinking out of my glass?'
No te importa beber de mi vaso, ¿verdad?
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