Traduction de "died out" à espagnol
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Or have they all died out?
¿O se han extinguido todas?
That’s probably why the species died out.
Quizá por eso se haya extinguido la especie.
At all events the family died out.
A todos los efectos es como si la familia se hubiera extinguido.
But here at least it has died out.
Pero, al menos aquí, ha quedado extinguido.
At last the excitement had died out in Sambir.
Al fin la curiosidad se había extinguido en Sambir.
More arashitora? We thought you had died out.
¿Más arashitoras? Creíamos que os habíais extinguido.
If we hadn’t married Muggles we’d’ve died out.”
Si no nos hubiéramos casado con muggles, nos habríamos extinguido.
in England that form had died out with the bowmen;
En Inglaterra esa forma se había extinguido junto con los arqueros.
There are no unicorns in the world; they’ve died out.
¡Pero si los unicornios ya no exis ten sobre este mundo, si se han extinguido!
Once the last chord of the last piece had died out, she had stood up and opened the French doors to the garden outside, perhaps wanting to breathe in the honeysuckle one more time.
Extinto el último acorde de la última pieza, se había levantado para abrir las puertas del jardín, quizá por respirar una vez más el aroma de la madreselva.
James Stephens in his preface to Solitaria by the Russian philosopher Rozanov said that novelists were trying to keep alive by artificial means feelings and states of being which had died out of the modern world, implying that we were only flattering the dwarfs by investing them with the passions of dead giants.
En su prefacio a Solitaria, del filósofo ruso Rozanov, James Stephens afirmaba que el novelista se esfuerza en mantener vivos artificialmente sentimientos y estados de ánimo extintos en el mundo moderno, dando a entender que no hacemos sino halagar a los enanos revistiéndolos con las pasiones de gigantes muertos.
And he died out there.
Y ha muerto ahí fuera.
I would’ve died out there.”
Habría muerto allí.
Thought they’d all died out.’
Creí que todos habían muerto.
Or had they died out of longing for Russia?
¿O habrían muerto de añoranza de su Rusia?
But the spiritual fires had died out.
Pero el fuego espiritual había muerto.
We woulda died out there.
Podríamos haber muerto en ese maldito lugar.
You could have died out there!
¡Te podrías haber muerto ahí fuera!
We could easily have died out there.
Podríamos haber muerto.
But poor Annette had died out in Portugal;
Pero la pobre Annette había muerto en Portugal;
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