Traduction de "died along with" à espagnol
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In which case I would have died along with my patient.
En cuyo caso yo hubiese muerto junto con mi paciente.
They would have died along with the Blakes.
Habrían muerto junto con los Blake.
I wish she had died along with the others.
Desearía que ella hubiera muerto junto con los demás.
You might have died, along with all the people you’ve saved.”
Podrías haber muerto, junto con toda la gente a la que has salvado.
Bishop Caines had died, along with other clerics and altar-servers, in the fire.
El obispo Caines había muerto, junto con otros clérigos y monaguillos, en el incendio.
He'd really hoped that sobriquet had died along with his reputation. "Absurd.
Había confiado en que ese sobrenombre hubiese muerto junto con su reputación. – Absurdo -dijo-.
And if he had died along with the others, then everything was lost for me. I saw no way around it.
Si había muerto junto con los demás, para mí todo estaba perdido, no veía salida;
Supposedly, he had died along with his parents in the fall of a mountain wall that wiped out the mining colony where he was born.
Se le tenía por muerto, junto con sus padres, en el derrumbe que destruyó la colina minera en la que nació.
But they had died, along with hundreds of thousands of other across Thetia, and their music remained forever unwritten, their voices forever silent.
Pero habían muerto, junto a centenares de miles de personas en toda Thetia, y su música se quedó sin ser escrita, sus voces quedaron condenadas al silencio.
Unfortunately for him, there was a devastating crop failure during his second year of rule, quickly followed by an outbreak of plague. He died, along with hundreds of others.
Desgraciadamente para él, al segundo año de su reinado las cosechas fueron terribles y sobrevino una plaga en la que encontró la muerte, junto con otros centenares.
It was not a waste of our warheads. He had no doubt that many hapless Corrin prisoners had been placed aboard those enemy warships, and had died along with their robot captors, but Vor didn’t pause to think about those casualties.
«No —pensó Vor—, no hemos malgastado nuestras ojivas nucleares». Sin duda, en esas naves de guerra también habrían metido a muchos indefensos prisioneros, que habrían muerto junto con sus captores mecánicos, pero Vor no quería pensar en estas víctimas.
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