Traduction de "deeply as" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
This is deeply regretted.
Lo lamentamos profundamente.
We deeply regret -- deeply regret -- any civilian casualty.
Lamentamos profundamente -- repito, lamentamos profundamente -- todas las víctimas civiles.
It was deeply moving.
Fue un momento profundamente conmovedor.
We are deeply grateful to you.
Le estamos profundamente agradecidos.
We deeply appreciate it.
Lo agradecemos profundamente.
He deeply loved his motherland and his people, and was deeply loved and respected by the Chinese people.
Amó profundamente a su patria y a su pueblo, y fue profundamente amado y respetado por el pueblo chino.
It is deeply concerned at:
Le preocupan profundamente:
It is deeply appreciated.
Es algo que se valora profundamente.
We appreciate that deeply.
Lo apreciamos profundamente.
People don't see as deeply as you do.
La gente no ve tan profundamente como tú.
They will never live life as deeply as you.
Ellos nunca van a vivir la vida tan profundamente como usted.
But not as deeply as Granny is going to wound you.
Pero no tan profundamente como la Abuelita te va a herir a ti.
You know I felt as deeply as you did about John.
Usted sabe que sentía tan profundamente como usted por John.
You were sleeping almost as deeply as Gustav.
Dormías casi tan profundamente como Gustav.
Not as deeply as you, Professor McCord.
No tan profundamente como usted, profesor McCord.
Breathe slowly, deeply, as if you were floating.
Respira lentamente, profundamente, como si estuvieras flotando.
Often, but never as deeply as I wanted
A menudo, pero nunca tan profundamente como quería... por culpa de la chica.
And I loved him, deeply, as his wife. A point you have made several times,
Y lo amé, profundamente, como su esposa.
Slowly and deeply, as you made me suffer.
Lenta y profundamente, como tú me hiciste sufrir.
The beekeeper was a deeply sincere, deeply good person.
El apicultor era una persona profundamente sincera, y profundamente buena.
It was deeply impressive.
Era profundamente impresionante.
Deeply traumatized.
Profundamente traumatizada.
Deeply hysterical.”
—Es profundamente histérico.
But think deeply on this.
Pero piensa profundamente en esto».
But they are deeply disturbed.
Pero están profundamente trastornados.
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