Traduction de "crucified him" à espagnol
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And five days later, they had crucified Him.
cinco días después, lo habían crucificado.
They had intended to kill him and feed upon his life essence, and so they’d crucified him in the broad plaza outside their temple.
Habían intentado matarlo y alimentarse de su esencia vital, y a tal fin lo habían crucificado en la amplia plaza del exterior del templo.
The press had crucified him—not only had he been blamed for Bishop’s initial escape, they doubled down the moment Bishop came out with that undercover op nonsense.
La prensa lo había crucificado: no sólo lo culpaban de la huida inicial de Bishop, sino que además redoblaron las culpas tan pronto como éste salió con aquel sinsentido de la operación encubierta.
Again, he was answering crisply, unthinking: "Look, if Christ had said those people who were supposedly possessed had schizophrenia, which I imagine they did, they would probably have crucified him three years earlier."
De nuevo contestó resuelto y sin pensar: —Si Cristo hubiese dicho que tales personas eran esquizofrénicas, probablemente lo habrían crucificado tres años antes.
Fraulein Terhoven has been attending mass daily for the past week." Isabelle, I think. Once she knew that God still hangs on the cross and that it was not just the unbelievers who crucified Him.
Fráulein Terhoven, desde esta última semana, no ha dejado de asistir un solo día a la santa misa. Pienso en Isabelle; en lo que me dijo acerca del Crucificado que seguía clavado en su cruz y al que martirizaban, tanto los ateos como los creyentes.
But Wheeler did not reply to my question, he went on, instead, to quote out loud, and this time I was in no doubt that he was quoting, for very few writers other than Shakespeare would ever have written ‘great greatness’ (and so many teachers and critics in my country now would have crucified him for doing so).
Pero Wheeler no contestó a mi pregunta, sino que pasó a citar en voz alta sin que esta vez me cupiera duda de que eso hacía, pues muy pocos además de Shakespeare habrían escrito 'grea greatness' (y tantos profesores y críticos de mi país actuales lo habrían crucificado por eso).
THE MAN: I have crucified him to myself afresh, I have despised his person, I have despised his righteousness; I have counted his blood an unholy thing; I have done despite to the spirit of grace, therefore I have shut myself out of all the promises and there now remains to me nothing but threatenings, dreadful threatenings, faithful threatenings of certain judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour me as an adversary.
He crucificado de nuevo en mí mismo al Hijo de Dios, he aborrecido su persona, he despreciado su justicia, he profanado su sangre, he ultrajado al Espíritu de gracia; he aquí por qué me considero destituido de toda esperanza, y no me restan sino las amenazas terribles de un juicio cierto y seguro, y la perspectiva de un fuego abrasador, de cuyas llamas he de ser pasto.
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