Traduction de "comes to america" à espagnol
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Up to the part where you escape from the English prison and come to America.
Hasta la parte que escapa de la prisión inglesa y viene a América.
“My father said, ‘That man comes from America.’”
Mi padre dijo: «Ese hombre viene de América».
Brooks comes from America, the home of the free, from the wide open spaces where men are men,
Brooks viene de América, el hogar de la libertad, de los grandes espacios donde los hombres son hombres —dijo cuidadosamente.
He then sells the paper-the slot-to a young man in China, who adopts his new family name and comes to America.
Luego le vende el documento, la plaza, a un joven de China, quien adopta su nuevo apellido y viene a América.
There was silence for a moment and then Morrison said, "If it's possible that you're beset by spies, Sophia, why not come to America with me?" "What?"
Guardaron silencio un momento hasta que Morrison observó: –Si es posible que la espíen, Sofía, ¿por qué no viene a América conmigo? –¿Qué?
‘What is it? Does it come from America?’ ‘From Hawaii.’ ‘I can believe it!’ he exclaimed enthusiastically. ‘Last week I was at the canal by Via Darsena to watch a swimming race.
—¿Qué significa? ¿Viene de América? —De Hawái. —¡Ya decía yo!—exclamó entusiasta—. La semana pasada fui al puerto a ver una carrera de natación.
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