Traduction de "bustling about" à espagnol
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Calmness and careful thought can be much more effective than all the self-conscious bustling about in the world.
La calma y la meditación cuidadosa pueden ser mucho más efectivas que todo el alarde bullicioso del mundo.
Matron was about the only calm person in the school, with the exception of Miss Grayling, whom nobody had ever seen flustered or ruffled. Mam'zelle was as usual in a state of beaming, bewildered good temper. Miss Potts bustled about with first-formers who had lost this, that or the other.
El ama y la directora eran las únicas que conservaban la calma. Mademoiselle, como de costumbre, era un manojo de nervios. La señorita Potts se mostraba tan bulliciosa como sus alumnas del primer curso.
Ginnie Hempstock was there, bustling about in her apron, rounded and welcoming.
Ginnie Hempstock estaba allí, trajinando con el delantal puesto, regordeta y acogedora.
Behind her, people were bustling about, carrying papers, books, and boxes.
Tras ella se veía a gente trajinando de aquí para allá cargada de papeles, libros y cajas.
Even bustling about the kitchen, Oona had a way of seeming to stand stock-still.
Aun trajinando de acá para allá por la cocina, Oona tenía la facultad de parecer completamente inmóvil.
She was already beginning to talk to people about graduation dresses, showing them fabric, bustling about the place.
Ya había empezado a hablar con la gente de los vestidos para la graduación, les estaba enseñando la tela, trajinando por todas partes.
      "Ever since the morning, would you believe it, as soon as she knew you were coming for the evening, she's been bustling about;
—Desde por la mañana, figúrate, desde por la mañana, en cuanto se ha enterado de que venías esta noche, lleva trajinando;
But the Chinamen were bustling about, arranging empty crates and benches around the garden in a circle, talking loudly and laughing amongst themselves.
Pero los chinos ya estaban trajinando a su alrededor, formando un círculo en el huerto con bancos y cajas vacías; voceando y riéndose entre ellos.
She pulled herself out of her trance, bustling about her flat, running a bath and laying out the dress she was planning to wear that evening.
Salió del trance trajinando por el piso, preparándose un baño y sacando el vestido que pensaba lucir esa noche.
There were trucks and cars parked in front—under the porch and all along the driveway. People were bustling about all over the grounds.
Frente a la casa, bajo el porche y a lo largo del camino de entrada, había coches aparcados. Se veía a mucha gente trajinando en el recinto.
There were so many people bustling about that at first he could see no sign of the small boy with the dark blue uniform, and he feared that he had already gone.
Había tanta gente trajinando de un lado a otro que, al principio, no vio al pequeño chico de uniforme azul oscuro y temió que ya se hubiera ido.
The other man did not seem to notice his reaction but continued to bustle about the kitchen, procuring mugs, dishes, knives, and various leftovers for their lunch. He muttered to himself in an undertone while he did.
El anciano no dio muestras de observar su reacción, y siguió trajinando por la cocina, buscando tazas, platos, cuchillos y diversos restos de comida para el almuerzo sin dejar de murmurar en voz baja.
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