Traduction de "boot-top" à espagnol
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I had her handkerchief in my boot-top.
tenía su pañuelo atado a mi bota.
A knife hilt stuck out of his boot top.
El mango de un cuchillo le asomaba de la bota.
Cassie sprang growling onto the man’s boot top, at his knee.
Cassie saltó gruñendo sobre la caña de la bota, a la rodilla del hombre.
He broke off, seeing the Witcher removing a knife from his boot-top.
Se detuvo al ver que el brujo sacaba un cuchillo de la caña de la bota.
Porta is so happy he pulls his piccolo from his boot-top and plays.
Porta está tan contento que saca su piccolo de la caña de la bota y empieza a tocar.
Summoning all his will, he managed to draw up his leg to reach his boot top.
Recurriendo a toda su fuerza de voluntad, logró elevar la pierna lo suficiente para alcanzar la parte alta de la bota.
‘I’ll cut their fucking joy-sticks off,’ promises Skull and draws a parachute knife from his boot-top.
- Voy a cortarles los palos del regocijo -promete Calavera, sacando un cuchillo de paracaidista de la bota.
Without thinking, the youngster was half out of his chair in a crouch, a dirk seeming to fly from his boot top to his hand, as a street-born sense of wariness signalled danger.
Sin pensar, el joven saltó de la silla y se agazapó. Un puñal voló de la caña de su bota a su mano cuando un sexto sentido nacido en las calles le avisó del peligro.
He couldn’t tell whether the second blade came from a boot top again or from inside the leather jacket sleeve as Phelan’s arm swept downwards. He saw the knife.
Cuando Phelan dejó caer el brazo, no podría haber dicho si el segundo cuchillo había salido de la bota de nuevo o del interior de la manga de la cazadora de cuero.
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