Traduction de "between twenty and thirty" à espagnol
Between twenty and thirty
Exemples de traduction
And between twenty and thirty students at the high school.
Y entre veinte y treinta alumnos del instituto.
I must have between twenty and thirty manuscripts floating about;
Debía de tener entre veinte y treinta manuscritos rodando;
Our analysts estimate that between twenty and thirty percent of the humans will die.
Nuestros analistas estiman que morirán entre veinte y treinta por ciento de los seres humanos…
Two young women aged between twenty and thirty, both blonde.
Dos mujeres jóvenes, pues, entre veinte y treinta años. Las dos rubias.
“You, your Worship, control between twenty and thirty votes on the Open Council.”
—Señoría, usted controla entre veinte y treinta votos en el Consejo Abierto.
Always between twenty and thirty incoming shells, but his own guess had been twenty-two.
Siempre había entre veinte y treinta proyectiles, aunque él había calculado unos veintidós.
There were between twenty and thirty men present, but only eight or nine were Houshken’s people.
Entre veinte y treinta hombres estaban presentes, pero sólo ocho o nueve eran gente de Houshken.
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