Traduction de "been scarcely" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
During the week, her father had been scarce.
Durante la semana, a su padre apenas se lo veía por casa.
And it would not. There had been scarcely a cloud in the sky all day.
Y no llovería en todo el día. En el cielo apenas había nubes.
There is one factor which has been scarcely touched upon in this examination.
Hay un factor que apenas ha sido tratado en el examen a que estamos procediendo.
My prince, it has been scarcely two days since we returned.
—Mi príncipe, apenas han transcurrido dos días desde que regresamos.
If they had not been marked with white arrows, they would have been scarcely visible.
De no haber estado señaladas con flechas blancas apenas habrían sido visibles.
The solitude, which up till now had been scarcely painful, had become a horror.
La soledad, hasta entonces apenas dolorosa, se había transformado en horror.
Although he suspected Fawn would have been scarcely less vivid even before this conception.
Aunque sospechaba que Fawn era apenas un poco menos vivida antes de concebir.
He was a compact, wiry man, who would have been scarcely taller than Isserley if he’d been a biped.
Era un hombre musculoso, aunque enjuto, que apenas habría superado a Isserley en altura de haber sido bípedo.
When he had come as a boy in his teens, Mars had been scarcely more than a huddle of grounded spaceships connected by sealed underground tunnels.
Cuando llegó, adolescente, Marte era apenas algo más que un montón de naves aparcadas y conectadas entre sí por túneles subterráneos.
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