Traduction de "be winning" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
We are winning the battle against terrorists.
Estamos ganando la batalla contra los terroristas.
Companies Win" (Erfolgsfaktor Familie.
Las empresas salen ganando" (Erfolgsfaktor Familie.
The virus is winning.
El virus está ganando.
These rankings make clear why Georgia's only interest is a peaceful resolution of conflicts: Georgia is winning the peace -- Georgia is winning through peace.
Esas clasificaciones ilustran claramente por qué el único interés de Georgia es la solución pacífica de los conflictos: Georgia está actualmente ganando la paz -- Georgia está ganando a través de la paz.
- Booth seems to be winning.
Booth parece estar ganando.
I don't think we're gonna be winning parenting awards.
No creo que vayamos a estar ganando premios de crianza.
You're supposed to be winning the race, Juni.
Deberías de estar ganando, Juni.
He's playing with you, and he appears to be winning.
Está jugando contigo, y parece estar ganando.
Seriously, I shouldn't be winning.
En serio, no debería estar ganando.
He's gonna be winning all his points tonight.
Él va a estar ganando todos sus puntos esta noche.
We were supposed to be winning this fight.
Se suponía que íbamos a estar ganando la pelea.
Somebody must be winning.
Así que alguien debe de estar ganando.
So good to be winning.
Es tan bueno estar ganando.
How could I possibly be winning?
¿Cómo puedo estar ganando?
“You’re always… winning things!” “Winning things!
–Siempre estás… ¡ganando! –¡Ganando!
We were winning. We had to be winning.
Estábamos ganando. Por fuerza teníamos que estar ganando.
We are not winning.
No estamos ganando;
That is why they are winning.
Por eso están ganando.
You are winning, you are winning, exulted the voice in his head.
Estáis ganando, estáis ganando, se regocijaba la voz en su cabeza.
Was he winning big?
—¿Estaba ganando mucho?
And the miniature was winning.
Y la miniatura estaba ganando.
Nice to win, be winner, be known as winner.
Bonito ganar, ser ganador, reconocido como ganador.
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