Traduction de "be were it" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
These were not always SMEs and, in his opinion, by definition they could not be.
Esos participantes no siempre eran PYME y, a su juicio, no podían serlo por definición.
Young women with HIV were 10 times more likely to do so.
Las mujeres jóvenes seropositivas tienen diez veces más posibilidades de serlo.
The media were independent, and therefore decisions could not be imposed upon them.
Los medios de comunicación son independientes y, por lo tanto, las decisiones no pueden serles impuestas.
He announced that many had already been implemented and that several others were about to be.
Anunció que muchas se habían llevado ya a la práctica y varias otras estaban por serlo.
In that sense, the programme strategies were not as innovative as they could be.
En ese sentido, las estrategias del programa no eran tan innovadoras como podían serlo.
There were 49 accused on trial or awaiting trial.
Había 49 acusados que estaban siendo enjuiciados o en espera de serlo.
All the United Kingdom dependent Territories were British because they wanted to be.
Todos los territorios no autónomos del Reino Unido eran británicos porque deseaban serlo.
And we were not meant to be that way.
Y no estábamos destinados a serlo.
many others were dot, but hoped to be.
muchos otros no lo eran, pero esperaban serlo.
I wish I were religious.
—Me gustaría serlo.
'We were beginning to be,' Robinson replied.
– Estábamos empezando a serlo.
No. If it were true, she would be dead, too.
No. De serlo, también ella estaría muerta.
You were on the way.
Ibas camino de serlo.
Some were pretty, or bound to be.
Algunas eran bonitas o prometían serlo.
They were all humans, or close to;
Todos eran humanos, o estaban muy cerca de serlo;
Just as we were, are or might be victims, we all were, are or might be guilty.
Al igual que todos fuimos, somos o podríamos ser víctimas; todos fuimos, somos o podríamos ser culpables.
There were cases when women were the first to be fired and the last to be hired in the changing labour market.
Había casos, en el mercado de trabajo, en evolución en que las mujeres eran las primeras en ser despedidas y las últimas en ser contratadas.
We saw the horrendous images of hurricane Katrina, when human beings were doomed to die because they were black, because they were poor.
Vimos las imágenes de horror del huracán Katrina, cuando se condenó a morir a seres humanos por ser negros y ser pobres.
Of the 19 investigations, 10 were concluded; 6 of those were found to be unsubstantiated and 4 were further reviewed, found to be substantiated and subsequently closed.
De esas 19 investigaciones, 10 fueron concluidas; 6 de ellas resultaron ser infundadas y 4 volvieron a ser examinadas, resultaron ser fundadas y posteriormente se cerraron.
I picked you because of who you were, not because you were unknown to me.
Yo sí que te escogí por ser tú, no por ser un desconocido.
They were to be eliminated.
Tenían que ser eliminados.
They were consecrated.
Estos seres estaban consagrados.
Were these strangers, then?
¿Eran seres extraños?
One moment they were a formed battalion and the next they were a mob.
En un instante pasaron de ser un batallón formado a ser una multitud.
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