Traduction de "be operated on" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
The radiation is compromising his immune system as we speak, which means if I don't kill him, the infection he's bound to get by being operated on in a damp cave almost certainly will!
La radiación está comprometiendo su sistema inmunológico mientras hablamos lo que significa que si no lo mato yo la infección que tendrá al ser operado en una cueva húmeda casi seguro que lo hará.
Tomorrow you'll be operated on at the hospital.
Mañana serás operado en el hospital.
And you want to be operated on in a hospital in some foreign...
Y quieres ser operado en un hospital en el extranjero...
He must be operated on within four weeks or else he'll die
Debe ser operado en menos de 4 semanas o morirá.
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