Traduction de "be finish" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Finished lower secondary school
Escuela secundaria elemental terminada
But he was not finished.
Sin embargo, no había terminado.
Finished Secondary school
Escuela secundaria superior terminada
Total number of dwellings finished
Número total de viviendas terminadas
This inquiry is not yet finished.
Este estudio todavía no se ha terminado.
Finished primary school
Escuela primaria terminada
The project will be finished by the end of 2006.
El proyecto quedará terminado a fines de 2006.
1. Finished garment = where sewn
1. Prenda terminada = donde haya sido cosida
Yet, it is not quite finished.
Sin embargo, no está terminado del todo.
It won't be finished by then.
No estará terminado aún.
It'll be finished soon.
Estará terminado muy pronto.
- When do you think you'll be finished?
- ¿Cuándo estará terminada?
Soon it will be finished.
Pronto estará terminado.
It'll be finished by tomorrow.
- Oh. Mañana estará terminado.
It will never be finished.
Nunca estará terminado.
And it will be finished.
Y estará terminado.
It's never gonna be finished.
Nunca estará terminada.
“He’s finished it.” “What? Just what has he finished?”
—Lo ha terminado. ¿El qué? ¿Qué es lo que ha terminado?
Everything’s finished here.’ ‘Yeah, finished.
Aquí, la historia ya ha terminado. –Ya. Esta ha terminado, sí.
“So you did finish.” “Yeah, I finished.”
—Así que lo ha terminado. —Sí, lo he terminado.
But it was finished.
Pero todo había terminado.
Tomorrow, the disc will be mine and you'll be finished!
Mañana, el disco será mío y serás acabado!
'Despite the flaws, inside the Mastretta is a good little car, 'just waiting to be finished.'
'A pesar de los defectos, por dentro el Mastretta es un pequeño buen coche, simplemente esperando ser acabado.'
She saw his book as an entity that already existed and could therefore be finished.
Ella concebía la novela como una entidad ya existente y, por tanto, susceptible de ser acabada.
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