Traduction de "as enthusiastically" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
- I see you're as enthusiastic as ever.
Veo que eres tan entusiasta como siempre.
'I soon found he was just as enthusiastic about the Fayoum portraits as I was.'
Pronto descubrí que era tan entusiasta de los retratos de Fayoum como yo.
I'm afraid they won't be as enthusiastic as your pals.
Temo que no sean tan entusiastas como sus amigos.
Well, I am getting a bit weary, but having interested someone as enthusiastic as yourself, I can sit up all night.
Estoy algo cansado, pero habiendo interesado a alguien tan entusiasta como usted, estaría aquí toda la noche.
And I can't tell you how wonderful it is to find someone as enthusiastic as you are, Mr Burrard.
Y no puedo contarlo lo maravilloso que es encontrar a alguien tan entusiasta como Ud., Sr. Burrard.
Mom, I'm sorry if I wasn't as enthusiastic as the rest of the guys.
Mamá, lamento no haber sido tan entusiasta como los demás chicos.
Crowther was as enthusiastic as her husband.
Era tan entusiasta como su esposo.
Her greeting wasn’t as enthusiastic as I was used to.
Su saludo no sonaba tan entusiasta como solía.
Sylvie was not as enthusiastic about the benefits of education as one might have expected her to be.
no se mostraba tan entusiasta como habría cabido esperar ante los beneficios de la educación.
So Manfred threw himself as enthusiastically into his academic studies as he had into his training routine.
Por consiguiente, Manfred se lanzó a sus estudios académicos con el mismo entusiasmo que ponía en su entrenamiento.
Einstein ate just as enthusiastically as she had, straight from the bag, but Daniel and Kevin were more relaxed about the food.
Einstein comió con el mismo entusiasmo que ella, directamente del saco, pero Daniel y Kevin se tomaron la comida con más calma.
They drew their plans and made their calculations just as enthusiastically as if they were preparing drawings for washing machines instead of spaceships.
Trazaban sus planos y hacían sus cálculos con el mismo entusiasmo que si estuviesen dibujando proyectos de máquinas de lavar ropa en lugar de naves del espacio.
Overwhelmed as he had been, he had still noticed that the welcome of the duglas had been as enthusiastic for the other three ambassadors as for him; and Maya had been particularly cherished.
A pesar de su malestar, había advertido que los dugla recibían a los otros tres embajadores con el mismo entusiasmo que a él, y Maya había sido particularmente aclamada.
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