Traduction de "as be applicable" à espagnol
As be applicable
Exemples de traduction
It is scarcely applicable to me.
—No la encuentro aplicable a mí.
"Finish it." "The rest's not applicable."
—Termínalo. —El resto no es aplicable.
and “less” are not applicable to infinite quantities.
y “menor que” no son aplicables a cantidades infinitas.»
Are these conventions applicable to the modern circumstance?
¿Son aplicables estas convenciones a las circunstancias modernas?
     'It doesn't seem very applicable to dogs,' I said.
—No parece muy aplicable a los perros —dije.
Shall we return to more currently applicable questions?
¿Volvemos a cuestiones más aplicables en la actualidad?
That was also applicable to being a cop, in the present case.
Eso también era aplicable a un agente de policía, en el caso presente.
And this is as applicable to the epic poem as to the lyric and dramatic one.
Y esto es aplicable tanto al poema épico como al lírico y dramático.
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