Traduction de "allegations were" à espagnol
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Oh, I know, Those allegations were terrible.
Oh, lo sé, esas acusaciones eran terribles.
He asked if the allegations were true.
Me preguntó si las acusaciones eran ciertas.
The allegations were about you and your team.
Las acusaciones eran sobre ti y tu equipo.
The allegations were horrific, but even a pedophile is entitled to a defense.
Las acusaciones eran horribles, pero incluso un pedófilo tiene derecho a una defensa.
If he or North Hollow brought charges for slander, they'd have to prove her allegations were untrue.
Si el conde de Hollow del Norte o él presentaban cargos por calumnias, tendrían que probar que sus acusaciones eran falsas.
“I just thought they wanted me to see if the allegations were true, although I didn’t understand why it was any concern of my agency’s.”
—Primero pensé que querían que comprobara si las acusaciones eran ciertas, aunque no entendía por qué era asunto de mi agencia.
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