Traduction de "absents himself" à espagnol
Absents himself
Exemples de traduction
Private Ephraim Knowles, without orders or furlough, absented himself from Camp Gonzalez, which is a direct violation of his sworn military oath.
El soldado Ephraim Knowles sin órdenes ni permiso, se ausentó del campamento Gonzalez, que es una violación directa de su juramento de lealtad militar.
Gaz-zaniga tactfully absented himself.
Gazzaniga se ausentó tácticamente.
He absented himself with the speed of a good magician doing a trick.
Se ausentó con la rapidez de un mago que hiciera un truco.
For he absented himself from the Church for three months and was fined in a sum of £60 for his recusancy;
Pues se ausentó de la iglesia durante tres meses y fue multado con sesenta libras por su repudio;
      "Suspended?" Felix repeated.       "He has been requested by the Harvard authorities to absent himself for six months.
¿Expulsado? —repitió Felix. —El claustro de Harvard le ha pedido que se ausente por espacio de seis meses.
Nicholas absented himself, and Keith stared into the twinned flames of the glasses: one fire for each eye.
Nicholas se ausentó un momento, y Keith se quedó mirando fijamente las dos llamas gemelas de los vasos: una llama para cada ojo.
The governess, regent of a realm from which the owner absents himself in godlike indifference, is a Late Romantic imaginist who creates a psychodrama of enslavement.
La institutriz, regenta de un mundo cuyo propietario se ausenta con una indiferencia típica de los dioses, es una imaginativa mente tardorromántica que crea un psicodrama de sumisión.
The travellers had put up at Delhi dâk-bungalow, and Ash, after two afternoons devoted to sightseeing, had absented himself for an entire day.
Los viajeros se alojaron en el dâk-bungalow de Delhi. Ash, después de dedicar dos tardes a visitar la ciudad, se ausentó durante todo un día.
Two years he absents himself from his business, his career, his life, and the boss lady wants a fucking five-day fling in New Orleans?
Se ausenta dos años de su negocio, su carrera, su vida, y la jefa decide llevárselo cinco días a Nueva Orleans».
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