Traduction de "wer war sah" à anglaise
Wer war sah
Exemples de traduction
who was saw
»Nun sag mir, was du heute erlebt hast. Wer dich sah; jeder, alles.«
    “ Now, tell me about what you saw today. Who you saw; everyone, everything.”
»Wer?« Duac sah sie an.
Who?” Duac looked at her.
»Wer?« Chiron sah verwirrt aus.
Who?” Chiron looked confused.
»Was? Wer?« Elena sah zu ihm hoch.
‘What? Who?’ Elena looked up at him.
Aber wer? Carroll sah zur Decke hoch, ehe er seine müden und brennenden Augen schloß.
But who? Carroll looked up at the interrogation room ceiling before he shut his sore and heavy eyes.
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