Traduction de "rings um" à anglaise
Rings um
Phrases de contexte similaires
Exemples de traduction
Ring um Ring baute sich Stille um ihn auf.
ring upon ring of silence built around it.
Sie sind rings um mich herum.
They are all around me.
Rings um sie war alles durcheinander.
Around them everything was confused.
Ringe um Gasriesen.
Rings around gas giants.
Rings um ihn eine Pause.
There's a pause all around him.
Rings um sie wirbelte Sand.
The sand churned around it.
Rings um eine leere Grube
Around an empty grave
Schließlich war rings um ihn alles dunkel.
Finally, it was dark all around.
Rings um sie herrschte Schweigen.
There was silence all around them.
Habe rings um mich Funken.
I’ve got sparkles all around me.
Und plötzlich war rings um sie Licht.
And suddenly there was light all around them.
Rings um mich tobte der Hurrikan.
All around me, the hurricane roared.
Rings um uns hatten sich die Götter versammelt.
All around us, gods had gathered.
Rings um Kaufman war alles bei der Arbeit.
All around Kaufman people were at work.
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