Traduction de "es hing an" à anglaise
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Exemples de traduction
Unglücklicherweise hing er an einem Bein, das wiederum an einem Körper hing.
Unfortunately, it was attached to a leg, which was attached to a body.
Aber ich hing bereits an ihr.
But I was already attached.
Die Blume und das was an ihr hing.
The flower, and what was attached to the flower.
Andere hingen an Schläuchen.
Others were attached to tubes.
An dem Blumenstrauß hing ein Zettel.
A note was attached to the bouquet.
Sie hing sehr an Serravalle.
And she was very, very attached to Serravalle.
Die Haare hingen noch daran.
The hairs were still attached.
An jeder hing eine silberne Scheibe.
To each was attached a silver disk.
Doyle hing so an Mr.
Doyle was so attached to Mr.
»Bei der Frau, die sehr an ihrem Geliebten hing
The woman was, very attached to her lover.
An der anderen hing
In the other, there hung
Der Beutel hing dort.
The bag hung there.
Manche hingen an Platten;
Some hung on plaques;
»Sie hingen da wie Ballons.«
Hung there like balloons.
Er hing einfach nur da.
He just hung there.
Die Worte hingen zwischen ihnen.
The words hung between them.
Dort über ihnen hing er, dieser Mond.
There above them it hung, that moon.
aber auch dort hingen Wolken.
but over that also the clouds hung.
Dort hing eine Umhängetasche.
A shoulder bag hung from this.
Die Lüge hing zwischen ihnen.
The lie of it hung between them.
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