Traduction de "das disneyland" à anglaise
Das disneyland
Exemples de traduction
Tickets für Disneyland.
Tickets to Disneyland.
»Wir wollen kein Disneyland
We don't want Disneyland.
Disneyland hat so was nicht.
Disneyland have nothing like this.
Harvard war Disneyland.
Harvard Square was Disneyland.
Nicht einmal Disneyland ist so sauber.
Not even Disneyland is this clean.
Disneyland mit Todesstrafe
Disneyland with the Death Penalty
Wir waren mal in Disneyland.
We went to Disneyland once.
Ainu Disneyland-Ausstellungsstück …
Ainu Disneyland, exhibit ...
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