Traducción para "pinscher" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Kraus von Zillergut ha perso il suo cane di razza Pinscher?
Kraus von Zillergut lost a thoroughbred pinscher?
Forse e' come quella dei Doberman pinscher, tipo...
It's probably one like a Doberman pinscher kind that just is like--
E se avesse un Dobermann Pinscher che odia tutti tranne lei?
What if she has a Doberman Pinscher who hates everyone except her?
Pit bull e un Doberman pinscher.
Pit bull and a Doberman pinscher.
Allevo anche dei Doberman Pinscher.
I also raise Doberman pinschers.
Di solito colpisce l'uomo e i dobermann pinscher.
It usually affects humans and Doberman Pinschers.
Un pinscher nano.
What pin? Miniature pinscher.
E dove si trova il Doberman Pinscher, ora?
And where's the Doberman Pinscher just now?
Un Doberman Pinscher, sapete, mi ha staccato un...
Um, a Doberman pinscher took a chunk.
Un dobermann Pinscher di 38 chili.
Doberman pinscher 85 pounds.
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