Traducción para "self-appointed" a italiano
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Forget it. We're out of clues, and you as our self-appointed leader did nothing to save us.
Non abbiamo indizi e tu da leader auto-nominato, non hai fatto niente per salvarci.
Their self-appointed leader, Brom Bones, was a burly, roistering blade, always ready for a fight or a frolic.
Il loro auto nominato capo, Brom Bones, un giovanotto corpulento, sempre pronto alle risse e alle burle.
- J.T. Franks, self-appointed authority on good taste died today because his taste buds were so atrophied that he could not taste the difference between shit and shinola.
"J.T. Franks, autorita' auto-nominata, "del buon gusto, oggi e' morto, "perche' le sue papille gustative erano cosi' atrofizzate
Under my authority as a self-appointed member of the Centers for Disease Control street team these premises are condemned.
Con l'autorita' di membro auto-nominato della squadra di quartiere del Centro per il Controllo delle Malattie... dichiaro questo appartamento inagibile.
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