Ejemplos de traducción
Well, they have more taste buds, so they have a keener sense of taste than most people.
Hanno piu' papille gustative, quindi un senso del gusto piu' acuto del normale.
My sense of smell was keener, my hearing more acute.
Io mio olfatto piu' vivo, il mio udito piu' acuto.
For fangs, I may have none, but I have a mind, and it is sharper, its edge keener, than any tooth, any blade.
Potro' anche non avere zanne, ma possiedo un cervello. Ed e' piu' acuto e tagliente di qualsiasi dente, qualsiasi lama.
I merely require a keener eye to pinpoint the particular location.
Solo che mi serve un occhio piu' acuto per individuare il punto preciso.
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