Traducción para "broked" a finlandés
Ejemplos de traducción
Even broke one of the host glass of wine and she did not care and gave us a new cup and a bottle of wine she even does.
Jopa rikkoi yhden isännän lasi viiniä ja hän ei välittänyt ja antoi meille uuden kuppi ja pullo viiniä hän jopa tekee.
She told me it was dangerous, and I said I didn't care any more, and I drank this potion and I was sick for weeks, but when I got better my skin cleared up and I finally filled out and... I was beautiful, people were nice to me," her voice broke, "and after that I couldn't hate my sister any more, especially when I learned what her magic brought her in the end -"
Hän kertoi minulle että se olisi vaarallista, ja sanoin etten välittänyt siitä enä
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