Traducción para "entreatingly" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
cried Virginia, entreatingly.
—exclamó Virginia, suplicante—.
She looked the receptionist entreatingly in the eye.
Miró a la recepcionista con ojos suplicantes.
“But really, it’s quite nice for one night,” said Albinus entreatingly.
—Pero si está la mar de bien, para una noche —dijo Albinus, suplicante.
he could not believe it. He glanced entreatingly at the door, as if to call her back.
no podía creerlo. Miró suplicante hacia la puerta, como para pedirle que volviera.
This time she looked at me entreatingly, “Dau quadi,” she breathed. “Dau quadi.”
Esta vez, me miró suplicante. —Dau quadi —dijo en voz baja—. Dau quadi.
After a while she straightened, turned again, and knocked softly, entreatingly, on the door. There was no answer.
Al cabo de un rato, se irguió, se volvió de nuevo y llamó a la puerta con suavidad, de un modo suplicante. No hubo respuesta.
Croisset had found Howland's pistol and freed his hands, and the engineer stretched them out entreatingly.
Croisset había encontrado la pistola de Howland y libertado sus manos; el ingeniero las alargaba hacia él suplicantes.
“If Monsieur David would be so good as to play before I must go to bed—” he murmured entreatingly.
—Si Monsieur David fuera tan amable de tocar antes de que me vaya a la cama… —murmuró de manera suplicante.
nor am I likely to," she answered, and her arms dropped limply to her sides, her eyes looked entreatingly up into his gloomy face.
ni es probable que lo sepa —contestó la joven, dejando caer los brazos y dirigiendo a su rostro sombrío una mirada suplicante.
“If it was you stole my money,” said Silas, clasping his hands entreatingly, and raising his voice to a cry, “give it me back—and I won’t meddle with you.
—Si sois vos quien me ha robado mi dinero —dijo juntando sus manos suplicantes, y alzando la voz hasta gritar—, devolvédmelo y os… daré una guinea.
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