Traducción para "double-breasted" a español
Ejemplos de traducción
Trivole was wearing a double-breasted tweed suit.
Trivole llevaba un traje cruzado de tweed.
Double-breasted with buttons all over the front.
La chaqueta era cruzada, con la parte frontal llena de botones.
short, double-breasted, porcelain-buttoned blue jackets;
chaquetilla azul cruzada, con botones de porcelana;
Al Capone jacket, double-breasted and wide-lapelled.
Chaqueta estilo Al Capone, cruzada y con solapas anchas.
He was a short man in a neat, double-breasted suit.
Era un hombre bajo, con un traje cruzado bien planchado.
Prince Albert coat and some double breasted vests with cutaway.
Chaqueta príncipe Alberto y chalecos cruzados.
The old-fashioned double-breasted suit with wide trouser cuffs.
El viejo traje cruzado, con pantalones anchos.
His large trunk was ungainly in the double-breasted jacket.
Su ancho tórax parecía sentirse a disgusto en la chaqueta cruzada.
At the top waited a young man in a double-breasted blue suit.
Arriba le esperaba un joven con traje azul cruzado.
A natty, double-breasted dark gray suit would be better.
—Encárguese mejor un traje cruzado gris oscuro.
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