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L'auteur, déçu, a adressé une lettre à l'Union des étudiants de Takoradi au Ghana, dans laquelle il accusait le Ministre de l'éducation de tromperie, il condamnait le Gouvernement qui gaspillait des ressources précieuses et il conseillait aux autres étudiants de ne pas participer aux programmes d'études à l'étranger.
The disappointed author wrote a letter to the Takoradi Student Union in Ghana accusing the Minister of Education of being a liar, condemning the government for wasting scarce resources and warning other students not to participate in study programmes abroad.
Parce qu'il gaspillait sa vie.
Because he was wasting his life.
Ils ont dit qu'il gaspillait de l'argent.
Well, it was because they said he was wasting money.
A l'alarme de Pizarro, sa vaste armée de porteurs indigènes se gaspillait rapidement,
To Pizarro's alarm, his vast army of native bearers was rapidly wasting away,
Mais il gaspillait de l'argent!
Instead he waste the money.
On ne gaspillait pas les balles pour les enfants.
Bullets weren"t wasted on children.
Ne gaspillait pas une balle.
never wasted a bullet.
Il ne le gaspillait pas.
He wasn't wasting it.
Parce qu'on gaspillait notre temps avec des foutues filles.
Because we were wasting our time with bloody girls.
- ll m'a dit que j'étais surdoué... - il en gaspillait 100%!
He told me I was an exceptional case... I wasted 100 percent!
- ll gaspillait mon argent !
- Wasting company money. My money!
Mais mon frère...gaspillait tout l'argent de mon éducation pour sa copine Uma Bai.
But my brother...squandered my entire education money on his girlfriend Uma Bai.
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