Traducción para "semmoiset" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
-- Tekikö isä usein semmoisia ilveitä?
Did father often play such tricks?
Katso! Semmoiset alamaiset ovat maailman orjat!
Behold, such subjects are the slaves of this world!
Tarvitsevatkos semmoiset armoa, jotka ovat siveästi eläneet?
Do such ones need grace, who have lived meekly?
Semmoiset pahimmiten vihaavat kristillisyyttä, joka on hengellinen valkeus.
Such ones hate Christianity the worst, which is spiritual light.
Ei, vaan juuri avoimilla silmillä semmoiset menevät helvettiin.
No, but such ones go to hell with eyes wide open.
Semmoisessa kirkossa, kussa vi
In such a church, where the devil drives his slaves to go out before the sermon is finished, there the doorkeeper is in great haste when he must open the church door to all those whom the devil drives out before the service of God is finished.
Mutta semmoiset on pahimmat vihaa kantamaan Jeesukselle Nazareenukselle.
But such are the worst to bear hatred toward Jesus of Nazareth.
Semmoisia te olette kuulleet korvillanne ja nähneet silmillänne.
Such you have heard with your ears, and have seen with your eyes.
Semmoisia käsitteitä oli ennen muuta raamatun luvatun maan käsite.
Such was the severity of the education they had received.
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