Traducción para "salanimellä" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Salanimi koostui kolmesta asteriskista (***), mutta Pietarin musiikkipiireissä oli yleisesti tiedossa, kuka oli tekstien takana.
Because of rules related to his status in the Russian military, in the early years his musico-critical articles had to be published under a pseudonym, which consisted of three asterisks (***); in Petersburg musical circles, however, it became clear who was writing the articles.
Learning From Stories (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-03-0 (1997) On the Nature of Sufi Knowledge (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-04-9 (1997) An Advanced Psychology of the East (1977 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-02-2 (1997) Overcoming Assumptions that Inhibit Spiritual Development; previously entitled A Psychology of the East (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1883536-23-5 (2000) Augy Hayter, sekä Idries että Omar Ali-Shahin oppilas väittää, että Blackwood's Magazinessa julkaistu artikkelin oli kirjoittanut Idries Shah salanimellä.
Learning From Stories (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-03-0 (1997) On the Nature of Sufi Knowledge (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-04-9 (1997) An Advanced Psychology of the East (1977 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-02-2 (1997) Overcoming Assumptions that Inhibit Spiritual Development; previously entitled A Psychology of the East (1976 Lecture) ISBN 1-883536-23-5 (2000) Children's literature portal The Institute for Cultural Research (1965–2013) The Idries Shah Foundation (2013 onwards) Augy Hayter, a student of both Idries and Omar Ali-Shah, asserts that the article, published in Blackwood's Magazine, was written by Idries Shah under a pseudonym.
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