Traducción para "replikoituvat" a ingles
Ejemplos de traducción
Pelaajat varmasti nauttivat upeista grafiikoista ja äänistä, jotka replikoituvat todellisiin kasinopeleihin, mikä tekee jännittävästä ja realistisesta online-pelikokemuksesta.
Players will be sure to enjoy great graphics and sounds that replicate real casino games, making for an exciting and realistic online gambling experience.
'Vero’ eristettiin afrikkalaisesta vihreästä apinasta (Chlorocebus sp.) uutetuista munuaisten epiteelisoluista. Vero E6 -soluissa on jonkin verran kontaktin estoa, joten ne soveltuvat hitaasti replikoituvia virusten leviämiseen.
The ‘Vero’ lineage was isolated from kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey (Chlorocebus sp.). Vero E6 cells show some contact inhibition, so are suitable for propagating viruses that replicate slowly. Vero E6 cell lines are commonly used to investigate the cytopathology of coronaviruses SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 as Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells) exhibit an abundant expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors.
Yksi kehittyneeseen nanoteknologiaan liittyvä pelko on se, että nanobotit pääsevät vapaaksi ja replikoituvat loputtomasti, ”syövät” koko maapallon ekosysteemin (globaali ekofagia) ja muuttavat maapallon lopulta ”harmaaksi mönjäksi” (grey goo).
In the paper in which Freitas coined the term he wrote: Perhaps the earliest-recognized and best-known danger of molecular nanotechnology is the risk that self-replicating nanorobots capable of functioning autonomously in the natural environment could quickly convert that natural environment (e.g., "biomass") into replicas of themselves (e.g., "nanomass") on a global basis, a scenario usually referred to as the "grey goo problem" but perhaps more properly termed "global ecophagy".
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