Traducción para "heathcliffistä" a ingles
  • heath cliff-time
  • heathcliff
Ejemplos de traducción
Hindley Earnshaw on Catherinen veli ja Heathcliffin ottoveli.
Hindley is the brother of Catherine Earnshaw, father of Hareton Earnshaw, and sworn enemy of Heathcliff.
Sarjan luoja, Shonda Rhimes sanoo, että Hunt on "vanhanajan piinattu sankari" ja vertaa häntä Heathcliffiin.
Shonda Rhimes, series' creator, says that the character was envisioned "an old-fashioned tortured hero" and likens him to Heathcliff.
Heathcliff muistuttaa monella tapaa byronista sankaria, mutta monipuolista hahmoa on vaikea luokitella mihinkään tyyppiin.kenen mukaan?
Heathcliff has been considered a Byronic hero, but critics have pointed out that he reinvents himself at various points, making his character hard to fit into any single type.
Heathcliff on orpopoika, jonka Humisevan harjun omistaja herra Earnshaw löytää Liverpoolin kaduilta ja tuo säälistä kotiinsa Yorkshireen.
Heathcliff: Found, presumably orphaned, on the streets of Liverpool and taken by Mr. Earnshaw to Wuthering Heights, where he is reluctantly cared for by the family.
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