Traducción para "inconcebible" a ingles
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Sin paz, el respeto de los derechos humanos sería inconcebible.
Without it, respect for human rights would be inconceivable.
El uso de las armas nucleares es algo inconcebible.
Any use of nuclear weapons is inconceivable.
Es inconcebible que se insulte a soldados y policías de esa manera".
It's inconceivable that soldiers and police be cursed that way."
Naturalmente, esto sería inconcebible.
That is clearly inconceivable.
Tales prácticas eran inconcebibles.
Such practices are inconceivable.
No hacer nada sería inconcebible e injustificable.
Inaction was inconceivable and unjustifiable.
Sus sufrimientos son inmensurables y sus privaciones inconcebibles.
Their suffering is immeasurable and their deprivations are inconceivable.
Un sistema de ese tipo era inconcebible anteriormente.
Such a system had previously been inconceivable.
Es inconcebible que se permita la existencia de un fenómeno tal.
It was inconceivable that such a phenomenon could be permitted to exist.
Además, sería inconcebible actuar aisladamente.
Moreover, it would be inconceivable to act in isolation.
Es bastante inconcebible.
That's fairly inconceivable.
También es inconcebible:
It's also inconceivable.
Casarme era inconcebible.
Marrying was inconceivable.
Qué inconcebible insolencia.
An inconceivable liberty!
Es realmente inconcebible.
It's really inconceivable.
No, eso era inconcebible.
No, that was inconceivable.
Y eso, también, es inconcebible.
And that, too, is inconceivable.
Para él era inconcebible.
It seemed inconceivable to him.
La oscuridad es inconcebible.
The darkness is inconceivable.
Lo cual era…, en fin, inconcebible.
This was, well, inconceivable.
Resulta totalmente inconcebible reestructurar las Naciones Unidas sin cambiar su sistema actual de financiación.
It is quite unthinkable to restructure the United Nations without changing its present system of financing.
Sin ese apoyo, los progresos que hemos logrado en el Afganistán habrían sido, sencillamente, inconcebibles.
Without that support, the progress we have made in Afghanistan would be simply unthinkable.
Sin embargo, el Fiscal no la admitió a trámite argumentando que "era inconcebible que se pudiera formular una denuncia contra la policía".
The prosecutor, however, refused to pursue the case on the grounds that "it was unthinkable that a complaint could be filed against the police".
Sería inconcebible, por lo tanto, que la OACI y la comunidad internacional asistan inermes a la repetición de estos hechos.
It would therefore be unthinkable that ICAO and the international community would stand by and allow a repetition of those events.
Es inconcebible que se suspenda todo un proceso presupuestario so pretexto de que se estén creando nuevas oficinas.
Yet it was unthinkable that an entire budgetary process should be suspended on the pretext that new offices were being set up.
En la actualidad existen nuevos métodos de trabajo que eran inconcebibles hace apenas un año.
New methods of work which were still unthinkable just a year ago are now possible.
Pero también debería significar que todos aceptan que es inconcebible que se utilice de nuevo un arma nuclear.
But it should also mean that everyone accepts that it is unthinkable for nuclear weapons ever to be used again.
Sería inconcebible que las Naciones Unidas abandonasen a Angola en estas circunstancias críticas.
It would be unthinkable for the United Nations to abandon Angola at this critical juncture.
Es evidente que todo diálogo se ve enriquecido cuando existe divergencia de opiniones, a la que es inconcebible temer.
It is clear that dialogue is enriched when there are differences of opinion — and to be afraid of them is unthinkable.
Están sucediendo cosas inconcebibles
Unthinkable things are happening.
Todo esto es inconcebible.
It's unthinkable, the whole thing.
- Es imposible, ¡inconcebible!
it抯 impossible, it抯 unthinkable!
Inconcebibles, terribles, horribles, sí
Unthinkable, stinkable, horrible us
- Imposible, querida dama. ¡Inconcebible!
- Impossible, dear lady! Unthinkable!
Es inconcebible en nosotros.
It is unthinkable to us.
No, aquello era inconcebible.
No. That was unthinkable.
Para ellos, no sería inconcebible.
It would not be unthinkable to them.
Era horrible… inconcebible.
It was unthinkable… horrible.
Y no conseguirlo era inconcebible.
And the alternative was unthinkable.
Era inconcebible, sacrílego.
It was unthinkable, sacrilegious.
El fracaso era inconcebible.
Failure was unthinkable.
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