Traducción para "gratamente" a ingles
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Excepto en Minnesota, donde quedó gratamente sorprendida por el interés que los programas de justicia penal ponían en la rehabilitación, la Relatora Especial encontró que las últimas tendencias en administración penitenciaria daban prioridad al aspecto punitivo de las cárceles. "El que la hace, la paga", era la consigna que la Relatora Especial escuchó en múltiples ocasiones.
Except for Minnesota, where the Special Rapporteur was pleasantly surprised at the emphasis on rehabilitation in the criminal justice programmes, the Special Rapporteur found that the recent trend in prison management highlights the punishment aspect of imprisonment. “Done the Crime, Do the Time” was a slogan repeated to the Special Rapporteur numerous times.
Costa Rica se siente gratamente sorprendida por la eficiencia y el ahorro que puede general esa iniciativa, que no solo satisface las necesidades técnicas de los países, las empresas, las cámaras del comercio y otras instituciones, sino que también tiene potencial para convertirse en un centro de promoción del comercio para las PYME de América Latina y otras regiones.
Costa Rica was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency and savings achieved through that initiative, which not only met the technical needs of countries, businesses, chambers of commerce and other institutions but also had the potential to become a centre for the promotion of trade for small and medium enterprises in the Latin American region and beyond.
En relación con el sector de mujeres de la cárcel de Sabaneta el Relator Especial quedó gratamente sorprendido por las condiciones materiales allí reinantes, que contrastan asombrosamente con las que prevalecen en el sector masculino.
In the women's section of the Sabaneta prison, the Special Rapporteur was pleasantly surprised by the prevailing material conditions, which contrasted markedly with those commonly found in the male quarters.
74. La Sra. Salvioli dice que le sorprendió gratamente comprobar la gran importancia que el Tribunal concede a la labor del Comité.
Mr. Salvioli said that he had been pleasantly surprised to see how much importance the Court attached to the Committee's work.
En efecto, muchos se vieron gratamente sorprendidos por la adopción por consenso de la Declaración trascendental sobre el apartheid, aunque después de consultas y negociaciones largas y difíciles.
Indeed, many were pleasantly surprised that such a momentous Declaration on apartheid was adopted by consensus, admittedly after long and difficult negotiations and consultations.
Estoy gratamente sorprendido.
I'm pleasantly surprised.
¿Muy gratamente sorprendido?
Very pleasantly surprised?
Quedará gratamente sorprendida.
You'll be pleasantly surprised.
Mas que gratamente divertido.
More like pleasantly amused.
Estamos gratamente sorprendidos.
We're pleasantly... surprised.
Me sorprendió gratamente.
- I was pleasantly surprised.
Se estremeció gratamente.
It thrilled him pleasantly.
– Ned estaba gratamente sorprendido.
Ned was pleasantly surprised.
Sonaba gratamente dinástico.
It sounded so pleasantly dynastic.
—Solo estoy gratamente sorprendido.
“I’m just… pleasantly surprised.
Se sentía agradecido, y gratamente sorprendido.
Grateful, and pleasantly surprised.
—Hermano —lo saludó Laurent gratamente.
‘Brother,’ Laurent said, pleasantly.
Me sorprendió gratamente que aceptara.
I was pleasantly surprised when he agreed.
Yo fingí recibir la noticia gratamente.
I pretended to hear the news pleasantly.
Le habían dejado un residuo gratamente lascivo.
They left a pleasantly lascivious residue behind.
las mujeres inglesas le habían sorprendido gratamente.
Englishwomen had pleasantly surprised him.
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